

From your award winning charity
07 May 2020

Preserving Our Islamic Heritage

Safa Faruqui
Preserving Our Islamic Heritage

The Prophet (saw) said, 'By Allah, that Allah guides a man through you is better for you than a herd of expensive red camels'. [Bukhari]

The Prophet (saw) was sent as a mercy to mankind. The message he (saw) brought and the morals he taught are a gift which allows humanity to flourish. Thus, it is truly a blessed action to teach Islam to others or give them the resources they need to practice Islam.

As a charity, we often talk about our commitment to providing emergency relief and tackling the root causes of poverty, guided by the teachings of Islam, which encourage compassion, generosity and solidarity. But we are also committed to supporting various religious projects, including building Masjids and supporting religious education worldwide - and we don't often talk to you about that side of our work.

Here are a few of the Islamic Heritage Sadaqah Jariayah projects that you've helped us support and establish:

The Great Mosque of Djenne

Since 2008, Â鶹Éç has been helping to maintain The Great Mosque of Djenne in Mali. First built in the 13th century Masjid, the current structure has stood here since 1907. As one of the most famous landmarks in Africa, the Great Mosque hosts both an Islamic Library and Heritage Centre housing texts dating back to the 14thÌýcentury.Ìý

It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built from sun-baked earth bricks and bound by earth and sand mortar, it is considered to be one of the greatest examples ofÌýtheÌýSudano-Sahelian architectural style

Your donations support the maintenance and upkeep of the Imams and caretakers of this historic Masjid, allowing the community to benefit for years to come.

Rural Masjid Construction

We are building Masjids in rural areas around the world where they cannot afford to build their own. So far, you've helped us build more than 400 Masjids in over 15 countries!

In rural villages, people sometimes pray outside in all weathers, or they walk the long and difficult journey to the nearest Masjid. Of course, this is more difficult for women, children or those with health problems. Your generosity ensures rural villagers can take part in the blessings of worshipping in a Masjid.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise’. [Bukhari]

A Masjid is at the heart of any Muslim community: it is a place to worship, learn and come together as a community. Building a Masjid is thus a beautiful Sadaqah Jariyah which will benefit worshippers for years to come.

Islamic Education Projects

We have been supporting the religious education of worldwide Muslims for over 20 years. For example:

  • We support an Islamic School in a poor convert community in Chiapas, Mexico. This is a school for 6-12 year olds which is run with an Islamic ethos.
  • We have set up a Madrassa in our School of Excellence in Malawi, so orphans and needy children could access an Islamic education. It has been running for four years and has over 200 students, boys and girls.
  • We support the Sayyida Fatima Az-Zahra College in Wazirabad, which teaches Islamic scholarship as well as the national curriculum to aspiring female scholars.

Over the years, hundreds of children have been given a basic Islamic education through MH-supported projects, including in Malawi, Mexico, Afghanistan, Jerusalem, Pakistan and Rwanda. Our programmes have also contributed to the education of hundreds of scholars in Pakistan.

Your generosity supports this blessed work, which was first undertaken by the beloved Prophet (saw) and has been continued in every age by his followers.

Renovating Masjid Al-Aqsa

Masjid Al-Aqsa is the third holiest site in Islam. It was the first qiblah of the Muslims and the site of the Prophet’s (saw) miraculous Ascension into the heavens during Al-Isra Wal-Mi’raj.

Since 2008, with your help, we've been working to preserve this historic site (learn more on our Al-Aqsa page). We have illuminated extensive areas of the Masjid and carried out various restorationÌýworks.

We are currently working to illuminate the entire Qibali Masjid Grand Prayer Hall. The current lighting system at the Qibali Masjid was installed in 1986, and the old wiring means there is a huge risk of fire. Working with The Hashemite Fund for the Restoration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, our team have already rewired and installed a state-of-the-art LED lighting system in almost half the Masjid! You can learn more on our Masjid Al-Aqsa page.

Translating the Qur'an into Spanish

In 2019, MH commissioned an Islamic scholar and expert in several languages to produce a reliable, quality Spanish translation of the Quran which could be relied upon for all Spanish speakers worldwide.

The translator, Muhammad Khan Durrani Sardar, has many years of experience as a teacher, translator, professor, lecturer and preacher in Pakistan, Spain and the UK.

This translation was completed in February 2020 and now it just needs to be proofread and reviewed. We will update you on this project when it's been finished!

Alhamdulillah, we are blessed to be a part of all these Sadaqah Jariyah projects and we are honoured to be able to preserve our Islamic heritage and continue our Islamic educational tradition. We are, as always, humbled and inspired by your generosity and support in giving to these projects; without your donations, this essential work would not be possible.

We hope that you continue to donate to the Islamic Heritage Fund to support us in building Masjids, teaching children Islam and other religious projects.

We pray that Allah accepts this as Sadaqah Jariyah from us all, and that He multiplies our rewards and forgives our sins in this blessed month of Ramadan, ameen.



Established in 1993, Â鶹Éç is an aid agency and NGO helping those affected by poverty, conflict and natural disaster in over 20 countries worldwide.