

From your award winning charity
18 December 2020

Our winter response is underway! See the impact of your donations!

This gallery contains 12 images

Assalaamu alaykum!

The Prophet (saw) said, 'No Muslim clothes a Muslim with a garment except that he is under the protection of Allah as long as a shred from it remains upon him'. [Tirmidhi]

Alhamdulillah, our winter distributions have continued this week, with your winter kits providing relief to the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan as the colder weather sets in. Many of these families are extremely poor, without the adequate clothing or homes to face the harsh winter ahead - but your donations are providing them relief.聽

Lately, our events team have been busy with our #HikeForYemen, which took place last Saturday. This week, they're preparing for the highlight of the winter: our annual Gaza Winter Walk! With less than two months remaining, this is the perfect time for you to sign up for the walk and get fundraising for the people of Gaza.

Let's take a look at some of the ways you've made a difference this week:

Bismillah, we continued from our first distribution last week to another in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

100 more winter kits containing winter shawls, winter clothing, blankets, hats, socks, sweaters, gloves, masks and soup were distributed to those in need, alhamdulillah!
We also distributed these comprehensive winter kits in Rawalakot, pictured above.
When advising the Sahabah (ra) about winter, Umar (ra) wrote, '鈥repare for it with wool, leather boots (khuffs) and socks. Use wool as your under-clothing and outer-clothing, because the cold is an enemy that enters quickly but leaves slowly鈥. [Lata鈥檌f al-Ma鈥檃rif]

Your donations are providing vital winter clothing and support, keeping people warm and alive.
Alhamdulillah, our teams in Afghanistan also distributed winter kits to 300 families in Parwan province!

These include cooking oil, rice, beans, sugar, blankets and warm shawls for men and women - all because of your donations and support!
The Prophet (saw) said, 'None of you will have faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself'. [Bukhari]

Because of the love you've shown them, people like this elderly man are making du'a for you this winter!
Our team in Afghanistan help our blind brother, providing him with winter relief.

Your donations reach those most in need, such as the orphans, widows, disabled and vulnerable.
Over £8,000 was raised for the #HikeForYemen which took place in Hastings last Saturday!

One participant said, 'JazakAllah khairan for the beautiful opportunity. May Allah (swt) accept it from all those who supported directly or indirectly. We loved it despite all the slipping! In my heart, it constantly reminded me of my grave and that one day I will be under it. All in all, it was a very good faith revival! Alhamdulillah!'
Our amazing fundraisers walked through the beautiful sights of Allah (swt) to raise money for Yemen, those who are beloved to Allah and His Messenger (saw).

We look forward to walking together virtually in February for our Gaza Winter Walk.
In other news, the 麻豆社 teams in Somalia have been providing free daily meals to a local madrassah, alhamdulillah!
Our team in South Africa have also been on the ground in the extremely poor province of Kimberley, distributing more than 500 hot meals to children, the elderly, unemployed and disabled.

These rural communities are over overlooked as they are a far distance away from the city, but your mercy and support reached them.
And finally, we received these beautiful new images from our Yemen bread factory!

鈥楢nd they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive, [Saying], "We feed you only for the countenance of Allah . We wish not from you reward or gratitude鈥濃. [Qur鈥檃n, 76:8-9]
The Prophet (saw) said, 鈥楾he shade of the believer on the Day of Resurrection is his charity鈥. [Ahmad]

Thank you for all your support this week! We pray you see its rewards in the next life, ameen.

If you'd like to see more of the work we've been up to around the globe, then do check out our social media channels on , and

May Allah (swt) reward you all for your support and mercy. Our work is only possible through your du'as and donations. Please keep us in your prayers!

麻豆社 UK

Established in 1993, 麻豆社 is an aid agency and NGO helping those affected by poverty, conflict and natural disaster in over 20 countries worldwide.